Some companies, like Samsung, have already almost finished rolling out Android 14 to dozens of devices. Others, not so much. Today we talk about Motorola. The brand has published information about which devices it will update to the latest version of the operating system on its website.

It’s not an easily accessible list, let’s be clear: you have to search for a particular device and only then, on each device’s page, will you receive information on the arrival of Android 14.

Here is the official list of Motorola smartphones getting Android 14

Luckily, the people of YTECHB we’ve looked at all the devices and compiled an actual list, which we’re now sharing with you. Note that there are no release deadlines attached, so that just tells us Which devices will, at some point, be blessed with Android 14, no When the launch will begin.

Ok, so here goes:

Motorola Razr phones:

Motorola Edge series phones:

Motorola G series phones:


Recently, the Moto G53 received the Android 14 update in earnest, while the Moto G54 got a beta version via Motorola’s feedback network, so testing is clearly ongoing. Hopefully, it won’t be long before stable rollouts begin for other devices as well. This list may be expanded by Motorola at any time in the future, so if your device is not on it, it does not necessarily mean it will be Never you get Android 14, but that probably means that won’t happen anytime soon.

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