Huawei is preparing to officially announce HarmonyOS 4.0 in August, the company just confirmed in a Weibo post. An image of an ArkTS code, written to return “What to expect in August” and a large digit “4” indicates next month, when the annual HDC (Huawei Developers Conference) will take place.

Previous teasers already hinted at August 4, matching the date and version.

HarmonyOS 4.0 will be officially announced on August 4, beta test already underway

HarmonyOS is Huawei’s internal operating system with the smartphone at the center of the entire ecosystem. According to the teasers from the beginning of the month, the new version should improve interoperability within the 1+8+N environment.

The operating system is already in beta testing and some users have shared their first impressions under the teaser. The P60, Mate50 and Mate 40 series phones are leading the way, but the OS is currently limited to China and we assume the launch will also be aimed at home users.

The HarmonyOS branding on smartphones is still limited to China. Some of the features will undoubtedly come to the global stage, but we expect the name to remain EMUI, as Huawei has confirmed to us several times that “users are not ready for the switch”.

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Philip Owell

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