Google’s promotional / teaser campaign for its upcoming smartphones continues in full force today, with the release of a new video. It’s not out of the ordinary in itself – after all, the company has been making fun of the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro since May in one form or another. But this video is a little … different.

It basically shows you the reactions people have had to see to the Pixel 7 Pro, one might assume for the first time. It’s all good and dandy, but while you and we can see people and their reactions, we can’t see the phone until the very end.

Again, this wouldn’t be out of the ordinary, except that Google has already shown us the Pixel 7 Pro multiple times. There is an entire section of his online store dedicated to him, complete with images of all three color versions!

Anyway, yes, there is a watch (you will only get it if you look to the end) and it will be announced in full along with the two new Pixels in an event on October 6th. The devices will be pre-ordered on the same day as an event. It has been rumored since the beginning of August, and now Google has confirmed the move in fine print in the video. We will therefore assume that the shipping date scheduled for October 13 will also arrive, but let’s see what happens.

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Philip Owell

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