Fairphone products are built to last and with repairability in mind. The Fairphone 5, launched in September, ticks all the boxes according to iFixit which put the sustainable phone to the test in teardown giving it a 10/10 repairability score.

Fairphone 5 gets a 10/10 repairability score from iFixit

Fairphone 5 is extremely easy to open without needing to heat the back or try to detach any glass elements – just remove the covers and you’re ready to replace the battery. Despite the removable back cover, Fairphone 5 still has an IP55 protection rating against dust and water jets.

Digging deeper reveals more aspects of the Fairphone 5’s repairable design, with easy-to-remove connector modules, individually replaceable camera sensors, and marked labels for cables and components to aid users during repairs.

Fairphone 5 gets a 10/10 repairability score from iFixit

You can go ahead and check out the iFixit team’s boring teardown here. You can also head over to our detailed Fairphone 5 review where we put the phone through our signature testing procedure.

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Philip Owell

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