Apple’s line of iPhone 14 has been the company’s most expensive to produce in years. A Nikkei Asia the disassembly of the iPhone 14 models reveals that Apple has taken part in the production costs, reducing its profit margins somewhat. Apple has not raised the prices of the new iPhones in the US and some other markets, but it has done so for some key markets including the UK, Germany and Japan.

Disassembly of the iPhone 14 line reveals 20% higher production costs.

As for Nikkei Asiathe iPhone 14 sees an additional production cost of around 20%, an all-time high, on three iPhone 14 models. Pro Max has gone up by over $ 60.

Formalhaut has estimated that the iPhone 14 Pro Max costs $ 501 in components, although the cost of the iPhone Pro Max models is normally between $ 400 and $ 450.

Disassembly of the iPhone 14 line reveals 20% higher production costs.

The A16 Bionic chips of the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max cost $ 110 each, which Nikkei he notes it was more than double the cost of the A15 Bionic. Only Samsung and TSMC are capable of mass-producing 4nm chips. The iPhones 14 Pro also have new camera sensors made by Sony that are larger and capture more light. These have increased by approximately 50%.

In addition, 32.4% more of the iPhone 14’s components come from US suppliers (about 10% more than the iPhone 13), increasing the cost. The amount of South Korean components dropped by 5 points to 24.8%.

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