Google has released silent versions of Chrome OS in the past couple of months, but the latest version 107 seems to be a bigger deal than usual as it offers a couple of new features. More precisely, it expands those currently available.

The biggest news is the ability to save desks. You can “Save desktop for later” from the Overview screen with just the click of a button. You can name it, see the creation date and take a quick look at the icons.

New features for desks
New features for desks

New features for desks

Closing open desks from the Overview menu is now easier and a short “Cancel” message is displayed in case the desktop was closed by mistake and you want to reset it. Google is reportedly testing a merge feature as well, so you can combine open desks into one.

New features for desks
New features for desks

New features for desks

The Recent view in the Files app has a new design along with a “documents” filter. Also, the following list is organized by date rather than just an old list. And finally, there is now a pop-up list with accented characters once you hold down the virtual or even physical keyboard. If that doesn’t work, you may need to enable the flag in Chrome.

chrome: // flags / # enable-cros-diacritics-on-physical-keyboard-longpress

Chrome OS 107 coming out with Desks enhancements

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Philip Owell

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