The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras recently held a conference and announced BharOS, a new mobile operating system focused on privacy and security. The OS is developed by JandK Operations Private Limited (JandKops), a Section 8 (non-profit) company founded by IIT Madras. BharOS is basically a really neat fork of AOSP that offers various security and privacy features.

BharOS is a new fork of Android with a focus on security

For example, there are no default apps preloaded in the operating system. This allows users to carefully choose only the apps they need and trust. BharOS also provides access to a private app store service called PASS. Apparently, it is populated with hand-picked apps that have been verified to meet the privacy and security needs of businesses.

This is exactly the target audience for the OS. It will be provided to businesses and organizations with specific security requirements and sensitive information. Apparently, BharOS will also receive its own native over-the-air updates. However, it is not clear which version of the Android core it is currently based on.

The professor. V. Kamakoti, director of IIT Madras, said about the software project:

BharOS Service is a mobile operating system built on a foundation of trust, aiming to provide users with more freedom, control and flexibility to choose and use only the apps that meet their needs. This innovative system promises to revolutionize the way users think about security and privacy on their mobile devices.

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