Best Buy announces the opening of new stores, through a completely new sales format. The retailer unveiled its first “digital-first, small format” store that caters to customers in a way that better suits changing consumer habits.

The new store is contained in 5,000 square feet of retail space, much smaller than the average of 38,500 square feet of its usual “big box” stores. The store has a curated showroom of products in the most popular categories of consumer technology including home theater and audio, computers, headphones, wearables, fitness, smartphones, cameras, smart home and small appliances. These stores will not carry full-sized appliances like their department stores.

Best Buy announces new small format stores

The stores will also have a Geek Squad area where customers will be able to obtain consultancy and configuration services, and the store will be set up to manage online orders both in-store and off-site using new pickup lockers that will also be available afterwards. opening hours of the shop.

If a customer wants to buy a TV or smartphone, for example, they can scan the QR code of the item and pay on their mobile device. Best Buy employees will receive the order in digital format and retrieve the item from the warehouse for delivery to customers. Store users will also have the option to use Mobile Self-checkout for smaller items like phone cases, charging cables, and gift cards. For those who prefer not to use digital shopping, the “Blue Shirts” will still be available to help customers.

Source: Best Buy
Source: Best Buy
Source: Best Buy

Source: Best Buy

Best Buy is no stranger to the small retail format. In 2021, the company closed all of its remaining Best Buy Mobile stores. These retail stores were even smaller and could be found inside malls, competing with wireless operator stores that mainly sold plans for smartphones, mobile devices, accessories and various portable electronic devices, albeit with a retail footprint. lower than these new digital stores.

The first Best Buy location piloting this new format will open in Monroe, North Carolina. Meanwhile, the company is also experimenting with a more experience-centric store format in Charlotte, North Carolina, which also features 24-hour pickup lockers, more Geek Squad service space, and home theater and appliance experiences. premium luxury.

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