In October last year, prominent analyst and Apple-related rumor purveyor Ming-Chi Kuo said the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max would ship without physical, clickable, traditional buttons.

And today Kuo tries again, essentially reiterating the same information. According to its latest survey of Apple’s supply chain partners, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are still expected to hit the market in the second half of this year without clickable buttons.

Apple is once again rumored to be giving up the actual buttons on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max

Instead, both phones will use solid-state buttons, which will be aided by additional Taptic Engines to simulate the feel of physical buttons when you tap them.

Cirrus Logic is the company that will benefit greatly from Apple’s move, as it is the exclusive supplier of the Taptic Engine controller IC for solid-state buttons. Kuo speculates that if users respond well to Apple’s fake buttons, other companies could quickly be “inspired” and add their own.

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