Have you ever wanted to play Marvel’s Avengers with more than one Iron Man on the same team? Soon you will be able to do just that. Marvel’s Avengers players will be able to play with multiple characters of the same character in missions. But there’s a catch: you can only do this during the Time Strike event that launches this spring.

This news comes courtesy of Square Enix. In a post on their official website, the publisher wrote: “We are happy to announce that during the Time Assault event, you will be able to play multiple characters of the same hero in the Avengers Initiative. If you’ve always wanted to see what a team of four Hulks, this event is for you! “

Players have been requesting the ability to play multiples of the same character since the game’s launch. However, this ability is limited to this event, presumably to provide a plausible reason why all different variations of the same character spin at the same time.

What else can players expect during this event? There will be more Tachyon Rift missions. And they will go from levels 1-100, which means that no one will be too high or too low level to participate and get exclusive loot.

There will also be a new Patrol mode which will allow you to enter Warzones and complete various objectives and missions without the need to load different parts of the mission to complete different challenges.

Will these changes be enough to keep playing or to get you back in the game? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

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