Do you want to train your problem solving skills? Logic puzzle games offer the perfect challenge for players of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner wanting to become a puzzle expert or just looking for brain teasers to help pass the time, there’s something here that everyone will enjoy!

From complex word games to strategy to cracking some mind-boggling puzzles, we’ve compiled some of our favorite logic puzzle games for beginner players. Come and discover what puzzle games have in store for players like you!

Exciting puzzle games for mind-blowing experience

The puzzles are designed to help you think logically using your problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities. Fortunately, many of these games are available on the Internet, but let’s focus on some of the most popular ones below.


Sudoku is one of the most popular games in which the objective is to correctly place the number within a grid. Each Sudoku game is played on a 9×9 grid with 81 cells. It has nine columns and rows with nine subgrids of 3×3 squares.

Players must place the numbers 1 to 9 without any repetition in each column, row or sub-grid. What makes Sudoku a perfect game for beginners is because it involves logic and reasoning but also requires some trial and error to solve.

This game can be very intimidating at times, especially for those who hate dealing with numbers, but it can still be relaxing. The best part is that it doesn’t require any mathematical knowledge.


The next game on our list is Minesweeper, which gained popularity when it was first invented in the 1990s for Microsoft Windows. The game also consists of a grid, some numbers and time bombs (or mines). Once you play Minesweeper, you’ll be able to sharpen your deductive reasoning skills, forcing you to be more detail-oriented.

Minesweeper game features:

  • Determine where the hidden mines are by carefully clicking on the squares
  • The numbers determine the number of mines adjacent to it
  • Place flags to indicate where the bombs are and avoid clicking them

Once you become a professional minesweeper, you can quickly advance to a higher level with a larger grid with more mines. At the same time, you could try to finish the grid as fast as possible to break time records! Remember not to force yourself if you are still a beginner!


Word games are the ultimate puzzle game genre that will test how deep your vocabulary is and your understanding of their meanings. Crossword puzzles provide just the right mix of challenge and fun, allowing players to stretch their mental muscles.

Like many other word games, crossword puzzles tell you which words to put in the grid. What makes crosswords an even more exciting game is that you have to think of the words with the correct spelling and they have to fit into the grids while still being able to connect to other words.

You can find numerous crossword puzzles, for example in newspapers and magazines. If you are a beginner, start with the easier ones with fewer squares. Afterwards, you can gradually increase your difficulty level as you gain confidence in your skills.


Nonogram is called by many other names, such as Picross, Hanjie, and Paint by Number. This game is the best option for those who want to add creativity to the mix as you can reveal a hidden pixel-like image once you finish the puzzle.

Features of the Nonogram game:

  • Cells within the grid should be colored or left blank
  • Based on the numbers on the side and top of the grill
  • Fill in the correct cells to reveal a hidden image
  • Nonogram also has several difficulty levels to choose from

Although this game may seem easy, it is more challenging than it seems. The numbers represent how many unbroken lines of filled squares there are in a given row or column. One mistake can destroy the image, so you need to be careful before compiling them.


One of the funniest retro video games to date is Sokoban. In the game, players have to push boxes or cubes around to get them to storage locations. It was designed in 1981 by Hiroyuki Imabayashi but released in December 1982.

In the game, the player is confined inside a room, usually a warehouse, with a box that he must navigate horizontally or vertically. These boxes cannot be pulled, only pushed. If it hits a corner, then it’s goodbye to that box.

The goal is to get these boxes to the designated locations. Once you pass a level, you will move on to the next (more difficult) one. This game stimulates your brain, especially for players with high spatial intelligence.


Besides Sokoban, Tetris is another favorite among retro game players. This puzzle game is known to offer relaxation and fun at the same time. You stack colored bricks as they fall from the top of the screen, and your goal is to fill an entire row so it disappears.

Features of the Tetris game:

  • Stack the colored bricks and try to fill an entire row
  • Don’t stack them vertically, otherwise they will reach the top of the screen and the game will end
  • Increase the pace as you progress through the levels as the bricks will fall faster
  • Delete more than two lines at once to get points

Tetris may seem simple, but it involves strategy and planning. It would be best if you were quick enough to determine where they should fall, otherwise you could create gaps between the bricks, making it harder to complete a row.


Last but not least is 2048, a modern game given the history of other puzzle games. It was developed in March 2014 by a then nineteen-year-old Italian web developer, Gabriele Cirulli. The game takes place on a simple 4×4 grid, starting with two tiles of value 2 or 4.

The player must slide the tiles together to get the matching numbers, and once done, double or add. Using basic math skills, the goal is to reach 2048 before there is no room left for additional tiles. The larger the tile values ​​become, the more challenging it becomes, so it’s best to plan your moves in advance!

Choose the best puzzle games for beginners like you

The puzzle games on this list are designed to provide exceptional experiences for beginners. They are perfect for improving critical thinking, logical reasoning and cognitive skills. Regardless of your skill level, you can easily surpass them once you play long enough. Don’t hesitate now; check it out today and enjoy!

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