Team Fortress 2 is the father of many modern games. Do you like playing with different classes in shooters like Overwatch and Apex: Legends? Probably, you would never have those games without Team Fortress 2.

Then again, this venerable shooter came out in 2007. With so much modern competition, the question remains: is this classic shooter still worth playing? Or should you move on to something else?

‘Toon Aesthetics

One of the first things you will notice about this game is the aesthetics. Specifically, everything and everyone looks like something out of a zany cartoon.

This works in favor of the game on several levels. First, the cartoon aesthetic has held up well all these years. Like World of Warcraft, this game has really benefited from not trying to look super realistic. The more realistic colleagues in the game ended up looking dated and played.

The cartoon aesthetic also works well with the game’s weird sense of humor. The characters are all full of extravagant and manic personalities. Looks like a modern Looney Tunes cartoons help sell that humor successfully.

Team Fortress 2 Review |  Gammick

A team effort

It may sound picturesque now, but Team Fortress 2 (and its predecessor) was one of the first games to popularize several classes in shooters. So instead of all the characters playing the same way, we have characters like the Soldier who play very differently from the Pyro. And he, in turn, is completely different from the Doctor!

Many games have copied this formula, and games like Overwatch have done so with even more success. However, it is very rewarding to know that there is a character for every style of play and there is always the possibility of a new experience if you are willing to play a different character.

For better or for worse, this class-based gameplay means that whether you win or lose depends primarily on the composition of the team. If no one is willing to heal, the team is doomed. Likewise, if no one plays Engineer, your defense is practically nonexistent.

For this reason, try to play with your friends whenever possible!

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