
Fights in Company of Heroes don’t just come down to quick thinking, either. You have to position your soldiers well and take advantage of the environment. Coverage plays an important role in this. Players must carefully manage how much protection their troops have as they move across the battlefield.

Territory can also be vital, as it can provide upgrades to your resources if held. This adds an extra layer of strategy and grants depth to the combat. Any mistake or lack of thought in this area could lead to disaster, so it keeps the stakes constantly high.

Review of the Company of Heroes |  Gammick


Visually, Company of Heroes is one of the best RTS games available. Each unit, environment and structure has incredible details. You can see the work that went into creating each storyline. Plus, the special effects work in such a way that the explosions appear real and compelling. Even the guns firing and the flames look authentic. This really helps put you in the moment.

The highlight of this level of detail is that you can zoom in to extremely close levels and see the actions individual units are doing. While many other RTS titles wouldn’t want that kind of close inspection, Company of Heroes enjoys it.

More important, however, is the destruction. The buildings, as well as the rest of the environment, will suffer damage from large impacts. A tank or mortar can easily bring down a defensive structure and collapse walls. Along with the rest of the visuals, Company of Heroes is a game that aims to look good. It is a feature that is often lacking in this genre.

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