
If you’ve never played games like the original Baldur’s Gate, so the Planescape: Torment gameplay might be a bit confusing. Basically, you need to click on almost everything. Click on the ground to move, click on friends to talk, click on enemies to fight and so on.

In theory, this is one of the things that makes this game such a friendly port for iOS. Instead of using a clunky on-screen controller, just let your fingers walk your iPhone or iPad.

However, fingers are typically less precise than a mouse. You may run into problems during combat, especially when you need to change targets quickly.

Overall, however, the PC to iOS transfer is surprisingly smooth.

Not suitable for newbies

Do you know how the games are said to be much more difficult “at the time?” What they usually refer to are tutorials (or the lack thereof).

A modern RPG is more likely to hold your hand and guide you through character building, equipment, combat, and so on. Planescape, however, does none of this!

Basically you are simply catapulted directly into a strange adventure. And while this suits your character (who wakes up as a not quite dead dude with a case of amnesia), it can be frustrating as a player.

Don’t get me wrong – this game is absolutely worth your time to play. Get ready to use some walkthroughs and character building guides to help you get started!

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Philip Owell

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