
Everything about the presentation in Life Is Strange 2 is of high quality. For a game that focuses so much on story and dialogue, great voice acting is an absolute must. Fortunately, the performance of the characters is outstanding across the board. Even when the script gets a little awkward, the emotion in the deliveries conveys a sense of gravity. On top of this is a sober and subtle musical score. It works with on-screen action, adding depth to everything you see and do.

Meanwhile, the images are equally impressive. There is much greater variety in the environments on display and each one is a pleasure to explore. The almost watercolor style works well while the characters have enough intricate detail and animation to be expressive. Sometimes, cinematography also makes it look like you’re watching a movie, with wide camera angles. As an overall package, Life Is Strange 2 looks a lot better than almost any other graphic adventure game.

Final verdict

All in all, Life Is Strange 2 carries on the traditions of the first game with grace. It has one of the best stories you will see in a recent video game. Being a deeply emotional experience, it will make you feel happy but also has some bass that will leave you submissive. Every choice has a genuine impact on the world, giving meaning to every decision you make. Perhaps equally important, however, are the clever changes in gameplay to keep things fresh and exciting.

Category: Reviews

Tag: Action

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