
For the most part, Life Is Strange 2 follows the same formula as the first game in the series. In the graphic adventure game, players take control of Sean Diaz, the 16-year-old boy who has to take care of his younger brother. Most of the gameplay involves exploring environments, manipulating objects, and conversations with other characters.

One of the key components of the first game was the time travel mechanic that the player could use to rewind events. This time, supernatural power is a telekinetic ability. In a strange twist, you don’t have direct control over power. This is because it is Daniel who has telekinesis rather than Sean.

This change opens up new gaming opportunities. Sophisticated artificial intelligence makes you feel like you’re playing with a partner rather than a computer. You can push your younger brother to solve physical puzzles, which often means moving objects around with his mind. One of the benefits of this simplified model means that you can focus more on the story and the characters. Without having to manage their powers, players can take more and enjoy the ride.

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