Age of Empires II is loved by the strategy community. It is considered a classic and one that stands the test of time. To this day, 20 years after its original release, the game still has a dedicated following. There are entire communities and websites dedicated to mods and cheats.

Unlike many series, it is not necessary to play Age of Empires I before playing Age of Empires II. Each game is self contained, so don’t worry about picking them up in order. Age of Empires II is considered the best of the series. So if you’re only going to get one, this is it.

Age of Empires II: HD Edition Review |  Gammick


You start as a random civilization or your choice of 18 provided. Each civilization has its own advantages, strengths and abilities. It is a testament to the amount of work that went into writing and developing this game. There are development trees available that allow you to see the pros and cons of each before you dedicate yourself. But they’re all balanced enough to make any choice an equally good time. Buildings as you evolve over the centuries also differ depending on which team you choose. It is a history buff’s dream.

The goal of each round is simple: to be the last civilization standing. Become strong enough to wipe other teams off the map while securing your civilization. The difficulty of each round is customizable, so you can make it as simple or challenging as you like. You can also customize the number of competing civilizations that exist on your custom map. It’s a small part of what makes the Age of Empires series an unwavering classic of its kind.

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