A friendly community

A game like this succeeds or fails based on the strength of its community. And I’m happy to report that this game has a fantastic community.

There are online forums full of helpful tips for getting started playing. And there are many players who expand the mythology of this game through fanfiction. Heck, you can even read some of the developers’ favorite fanfics right in the game!

So while this may not be the most imaginative or refined game you’ve ever played, it may very well have the most supportive community you’ve ever encountered.

Final verdict

Ultimately, I think you should give the AD2460 a chance. First, it’s free-to-play, so you literally have nothing to lose. Secondly, it’s one of the best browser-based games I’ve ever played. Finally, the community feels like a safe haven from the usual crowd of online henchmen and trolls.

Category: Reviews

Tag: tactics

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Philip Owell

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