Tower of fantasy the most recent gacha game developed by Hotta Studio and published by Infinite level it has been a popular thing in the last few days. The game features a large map with every corner of the map detailed with amazing missions, launches and scenarios. But on this vast map, it would be a big problem to walk from point A to point B. That’s why you need mounts, to help you travel more easily. In this guide we will cover how to unlock the mount Traveler in the Tower of Fantasy.

How to unlock the Voyager mount in Tower of Fantasy

Traveler of the Tower of Fantasy
Image via infinite layer

Players require four parts to unlock the Voyager mount. Here’s how to get them below:

1. Voyager engine

Voyager Engine can be found at the hidden Navia Ecological Park line of missions. Many parts of other mounts can be found in this specific questline. This video here perfectly explains how to find the parts. For the convenience of players, this video shows how to get the Voyager Engine from the Navia Ecological Park hidden mission series.

2. Voyager thruster

Voyager Thruster can be found from one of the rare Four Powers drops in Navia. They almost all look the same. Then specifically find the one with the title “Four Powers”. Once you defeat the chosen one, you will get the thruster.

Traveler of the Tower of Fantasy
Image via infinite layer

3. Voyager control room

The Voyager control room is located inside a locked bunker Seaforth dock in Southern Crown. This bunker is located near the coordinates 511.767. The gate of the bunker is protected by a passcode. The access code for the gate is 3594.

4. Traveler’s body

Players can find Voyager Body in the Navia Ecological Park Hidden Mission Series. This video here explains how to get Voyager’s body.

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