Thetan Arena is the latest game based on blockchain technology where players can play to earn NFT trading. The game is based on MOBA game where players compete against other players around the world using different game characters called heroes. The goal is to win matches using their skills in using different heroes in different game modes. This tier list will cover every Thetan Arena game hero leaderboard for May 2022.

Thetan Arena Hero Tier List for May 2022

Our guide will help narrow down the list to try Heroes so that players can invest to win maximum NFT as a reward. The following list has been classified according to the Hero class available in the game, e.g. Tank, assassin and sharpshooter.

Level Tank Murderer sharpshooter
Overwhelmed (S) Kongkey Mortal Shanna, Durass,
Strong (A) Breaker, Lucy Muffy Raidon, Taekwon, El Dragon, Mary Benjamin, Cluster, Feonix
Good (B) Meiko, Veinka Rei Morrod, Steelshot, Big Papa, Bathos
Medium (C) Wandering ghost Snake Destroyed, Culein

The tier list is based on each hero’s base stats and play style. However, it is recommended to note that tradable heroes can have higher stats and can play a dominant role in a particular game mode. Since the game is based on blockchain technology and NFT exchange, a player tries to invest and make a certain Hero stronger using his skills, so as to sell him at a higher margin in the online gaming market.

How easily Heroes in Thetan Arena

Getting more heroes in Thetan Arena will be very difficult, especially for free-to-play players. In the beginning, the game only offers three random Heroes in each class. After that, the the only way to get new heroes is through the shop, where four heroes will be available for purchase. But these heroes are not marketable.

Thetan Arena Hero Tier List

The other way to get Heroes is to purchase them from the online marketplace, which has higher character value and stats. These heroes can also be traded later in the online market. There is no fixed price for any particular Heroes and it depends entirely on the market dynamics of the gaming community.

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