Art of conquest 2 it’s a role-playing game (RPG) And strategy mobile game developed by DISTANT. The game features an empire on the brink of collapse due to the destruction of the colonized Chronosphere. You have to collect amazing soldiers of different sizes to restore or create a new era for you. Don’t worry, we’ve summarized Art of Conquest 2’s heroes and soldiers based on their strengths in this tier list.

In this game there are heroes and soldiers that you can choose before the battle. To be able to win each battle, you must choose the best heroes and soldiers among those you have. you can choose 3 Heroes and 3 Soldiers (2 heroes and 2 soldiers if you don’t have a War Hall building) before fighting which is 6 in total, you need to consider the abilities and factions of your troops.

List of Art of Conquest 2 character levels for July 2022

This list of Art of Conquest 2 hero and soldier levels should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and processes can produce different results for players. This tier list is divided into categories of S, A And B..

  • Level S: This level contains very strong heroes and soldiers which can be seen from the uniqueness of the skills, faction and contribution to the team, it is highly recommended to use the character.
  • One level: This level contains Strong enough heroes and soldiers but it’s not as strong as level S, because the skills were pretty standard.
  • Level B: This level contains partners who are quite mediocre because their skills don’t have a big impact on the team or formation during battle. But when you update the character, it’s still worth using.
Level Heroes Soldiers
Strong (S) Nyar,
Imperial Knight,
Imperial Archer,
Radiant, Imperial
Conductor of Angerhoof,
Hidden Sentinel
Good (A) Hathaway,
Vios, Horut,
Elite Guard,
Steel Wing Griffin,
Sand Warrior,
Forest Owl Guard,
Vanguard of the hill
Average(B) Coti,
Bedan, Shinteri
gunner of the valley,
Brave Ironfist,
Cleric of the Sand,
Wood nymph,
Forest ranger
List of Art of Conquest 2 character levels for July 2022


Here we choose the heroes based on their respective roles so that they can complement each other. First, there is a DPS (Damage per second) which is useful for inflicting the greatest damage among others. We recommend Schroder because he is one of the strongest heroes in terms of Strength stats, as well as the fact that his abilities can also inflict damage via sprints when he hits a target and can bleed on the target for 8 seconds when Schroder scores a critical hit.

Image via Farlight

The second is support, useful for providing support such as healing or for providing buffs to allies. We recommend Leo which has the abilities to heal the target hero and the units around his area.

The third is actually optional, but we recommend a Nyar whoever has a Tank role in addition to DPS, can be placed in the front row because his DEF stats are quite high, in addition to the fact that his STR stats are also high which can effectively attack against enemies, as well as his abilities which can Summon the Beyonder Dragon Plegis is also very unique, which is why we chose Nyar.


Just like the heroes, we also choose soldiers based on their respective roles. The first is the Imperial Knight as it can break through directly into the enemy’s bottom line, it is very useful when you find enemies who have a strong bottom line.

Image via Farlight

Secondly, we recommend Imperial Archer as DPS in the back, because we need a soldier with a beam type so that the enemy is hard to touch. The third is the Imperial Griffin because it can charge enemies and prioritize long range units, perfect for fighting troops with many range units.

Final thoughts

There are various aspects when playing Art of Conquest 2, one of which is choosing the best heroes and soldiers you can follow based on the tier list above, as well as managing the strategy and training of your troops.

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