There is no doubt that Fortnite is by far one of the most popular games in the world with an active player base. A huge part of the game’s gigantic success has been the timely and historic collaboration with other brands. It is safe to assume that Epic games has had more brand partnerships with Fortnite than any other game. As part of the Fortnite Patch v21.40 Epic Games introduced the dragon ball with cosmetics and skins in the battle royal game.

The game will now have great cosmetics and in-game skins for players to get. Some of the cosmetics include Beerus, Bulma, Vegeta, And Goku with in-game items from the Dragon Ball series. The game also has a special event where players can watch Dragon Ball Super in the game. Players can get their hands on these Dragon Ball cosmetics and collect these skins in Fortnite using the following guide.

How to get all Dragon Ball skins in Fortnite

1. Vegeta skin

To get the Vegeta skin, players can go to the in-game shop where they can purchase the skin with three alternative styles for the price of 1800 V-Buck.

Fortnite Dragon Ball skin
Image via Epic Games

On the other hand, Vegeta is also featured in the package with Bulma priced at 2300 V-Bucks. This pack also includes Vegeta’s reload emote and Bulma skin.

2. Bulma skin

Fortnite Dragon Ball skin
Image via Epic Games

To get the Bulma skin, players will need to go to the in-game shop where they can purchase the skin for 1200 V-Bucks. Along with this, players can also get the Bulma skin in the package with the Vegeta skin which costs 2300 V-Bucks. The pack includes a regular and additional style of the skin.

3. Beerus skin

Image via Epic Games

To get the Beerus skin, players will need to head to the Fortnite store where they can purchase the skin 1500 V-Buck the skin comes with a Seer Fish returns bling. On top of that, the Beerus skin is also featured with the Goku skin in a package costing 2700 V-Bucks. It also contains alternative styles and other cosmetics.

4. Goku skin

Fortnite Dragon Ball collaboration skins and cosmetics
Image via Epic Games

The Skin of Son Goku or Goku with three alternatives Super Saiyan Styles a collection tool And black bling can be purchased directly from Fortnite shop for 2000 V-Bucks. On the other hand, the Goku skin is also present in a package with Beerus skin which can be purchased for 2700 V-Bucks.

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