Rainbow Six Mobile it is a heavy strategy FPS game, a rare type on mobile devices. The variety of operators available can lead to so many different tactics and games. There are several ways to approach each round in R6M, regardless of offense and defense. While there is a plethora of operators to choose from, they can be categorized based on the roles they play as a whole in the team. In this article, we take a detailed look at the different defensive roles of Rainbow Six Mobile and take a closer look at the different roles of the defenders in the game. Players will also discuss strategies to use while playing.

Defenders can win rounds by eliminating all attackers or by reducing the time. The roles of defensive operators range from securing the target site to blocking entry points and more. Usually, players can specialize in a couple of these roles. But it is also useful to know each one individually.

Rainbow Six Mobile: different roles of the defenders

1. Again

Style of play

The anchors are located near the target site, limiting the distance they move away from the target. The main task of anchors is to maintain angles on vulnerable areas around the target site. They can also support teammates or secure better positions to counter incoming attackers by making quick moves around the target site. All operators can somehow play as anchors, however, dedicated anchors have gadgets that make this job easier.


  • Ultimately they are the last line of defense and are best prepared for matches when all hope is lost.
  • They allow teammates more freedom to roam.
  • It can cover key entry points, which would otherwise be vulnerable.
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Tower Defenders
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Tower: He has 3 armor points and can place an armor pack for himself and his teammates, which provides an additional health boost when used. Rook can also place additional cover with his secondary gadget, the deployable shield.

2. Wanderer

Style of play

Wanderers have the freedom to move away from the target site, covering other areas of the map. They have to do their best to stay unnoticed, even causing problems for the attackers by using hips and gadgets to catch attackers off guard. All operators can somehow play as a roamer, however, dedicated roamers have unique gadgets and abilities that help here.


  • They can choose the first kills, reducing the size of the attacking team at the beginning
  • They can distract the attackers’ attention, wasting time
  • They could counterattack from behind once the attackers get close to the target site
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Defenders Caveira
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Caveira: She is a devoted wanderer with the ability to move almost silently, allowing her to sneak up on her enemies. Her powerful shotgun and silenced pistol excel at close range. Caveira also has a second ability to interrogate downed enemies, revealing the exact location of all other attacking operators, giving teammates a crucial advantage.

3. Hunter

Style of play

Trappers can place unique traps in strategic locations on the map. If positioned correctly, attackers can unknowingly enter it to detonate them, dealing damage or other buffs to them.


  • Trappers deal damage / other buffs to attackers.
  • There may be an explosion or an indication to the operator when the trap is triggered, which can roughly reveal the location of the attackers.
  • Towards the later stages of the round, the attackers will likely focus on the goal, which means they are more vulnerable to traps. This could give the remaining defenders a big advantage.
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Defenders Kapkan
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Kapkan: Carries 5 input denial devices (EEDs). These are tripwire-triggered explosives that can be mounted on door and window frames. When placed correctly, EEDs can be quite difficult for attackers to spot and will deal decent damage when activated. EEDs can also be placed at different heights, with the lowest at feet height and the highest at approximately chest height.

4. Anti-infringement

Style of play

Anti-violators have unique tools that prevent attackers from using hacking gadgets. Attackers can still hack reinforced walls with the right tools, however, some anti-violators can raise this level, making even reinforced walls unreachable.


  • Defenders further reinforce the walls, protecting the target site.
  • Defenders can force attackers to take alternate routes to the target site.
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Defenders Bandit
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Bandit: Carries 4 shock charges that can charge reinforced walls with electricity. Attackers will be dealt damage if they touch these walls, and any breakthrough gadgets are destroyed if placed here. This means that charged reinforced walls cannot be breached until the battery itself is destroyed. Additionally, Bandit charges can also be placed near barbed wire and deployable shields.
  • Mute: Mute’s Jammer devices not only disable enemy drones, but also disable all remotely activated gadgets in its range. This includes things like breach charges, Thermite’s exothermic charges, and Hibana’s X-Kairos pellets. Note that these remotely activated gadgets are not destroyed by the Jammer, but are inactive and can be used once the Jammer is destroyed.

5. Gadget denial

Style of play

These defenders have gadgets used to disarm attackers’ offensive gadgets. These gadgets include Frag / Smoke / Stun Grenades, Ying Candles and Thatcher’s EMP, and other similar tools.


  • It can render some operators ineffective by disarming their main gadgets
  • It can help protect the anchors from bullets at the target site
  • The indication of when the bullets are disarmed by the negation of the gadget can roughly reveal the presence of the attacker.
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Defenders Jager
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Jager: He can place 3 Magpie Defense Systems that will destroy enemy bullets right before they explode. To cover as much of the goal site as possible, players must place these MDSs in spaced and hidden locations.

6. Anti-Intel

Style of play

These operators have gadgets that interrupt any information gathering gadgets that attackers have, mainly drones, but it is applicable to other operator gadgets as well.


  • Players should keep the position of teammates safe from attackers
  • It should discourage attackers from using drones that would otherwise be powerful tools for gathering information around the target site
Rainbow Six Mobile's role defenders are mute
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Mute: Mute’s 4 Jammer devices are one of the best ways to disable access to drones. Place them near vents and doors to avoid humming. Drones that enter the range of the Jammer are rendered inoperable as long as the Jammer is active.
  • Bandit: While not his main priority, Bandit can also fight against drones. When its shock charges are combined with barbed wire, a deployable shield, or a reinforced wall, any drone that comes into contact with the object will be immediately destroyed.

7. Intel

Style of play

Intel’s collectors have unique gadgets that can provide information on the location of the attackers. Security cameras only cover parts of the map, so these gadgets can expand on that or even provide alternative ways to gather information.


  • They can help tramps coordinate their hips.
  • They can help anchors anticipate attacks, giving them the head start.
Rainbow Six Mobile Roles Defenders Valkyrie
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Valkyrie: They can place 3 Black Eye cameras anywhere on the map, which can provide an all-round view from where they are. All Defenders have access to these additional feeds as long as Black Eye is active. Strategic placement of these cameras can help gather information about multiple rooms and areas that would otherwise be blind spots for existing cameras.
  • Caveira: It can also help gather information for teammates in addition to its dedicated roaming role. His interrogation ability can be activated on downed enemies and this will reveal the exact location of all other attackers remaining for a short time. Keep in mind that Caveira is vulnerable during interrogation, so there is some risk beyond the high reward.

8. Denial of entry

Style of play

These defensive operators use their gadgets to protect vulnerable entry points from attackers. The ways they do this vary between operators, but the idea is to discourage attackers by forcing them to retreat and take a different path.


  • It can waste attackers time.
  • Some Operator Gadgets can also deal damage and other buffs.
Rainbow Six Fumo's mobile role defenders
Image via Ubisoft

Operators to use

  • Smoke: Smoke’s 3 remote gas grenades can be thrown at a common entry point where attackers are present. When detonated, the grenade disperses a cloud of toxic gas that hangs in a fairly large radius for 30 seconds. All attackers in this cloud will be dealt damage, which will force them backwards. The 30 second duration also has a huge impact on the time.

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