This season, Rick and Morty-Themed skins are back in Fortnite. To celebrate this year Fortnitemares event, skins have been added to the game. The game comes with a Skin of Mecha Morty which features Morty. As a result of a collaboration involving these two characters from the Rick and Morty series, Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks skins have also been added to the game. In this guide, we will tell you how to unlock the Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks skins Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4.

How to unlock Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks skins in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4

V-Bucks can be used to purchase Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks skins in Fortnite. Each pack is currently available in the in-game store for a reduced price of 2,100 V-Buck. If players wish to purchase both of these packs, they will have to shell out quite a bit 4,200 V-Buck.

It costs 1,500 V-Buck to purchase skins for Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks. The cost for players who only want these skins is 3,000. The Queen Summer skin was modeled on Promoter, the seventh episode of the fourth season. The two main characters of Rick and Morty are plagued by some parasites in the episode, and Summer also rises to the position of queen of parasites.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Skin Queen Summer and Mr. Meeseeks
Image via Epic Games

Summer can be found on her Glorzo clothing in the package in the in-game store. The costume also includes the Glorzo Egg back bling. There is also a Glorzo affected glider and a fork with the Glorzo mushroom growing on it.

The legendary summoning cube shone on Mr. Meeseek’s back. There is also a glider cloud and a katana from the first episode. Whenever the Meeseeks succeed in their objectives, the cloud of gliders appears.

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