Of all the events during the Champions League event, EA introduces the Lantern Festival event for the first time! Light your lanterns under the crescent moon during the FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival. The event that we thought would be the first regional event in the month of Ramadan ended up being a global event for everyone. Log in every day to claim rewards, redeem players via trade, and search for Lantern Packs!

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival event description

  • Duration of the event: March 31 – May 5 (35 days)

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival event stream

Shop offers

Lantern Festival is a In-store eventwhere do you use the Daily points for April from Free daily offer in April to progress through the event. The The offer is updated every 21 hours and can be claimed up to 30 times during the event. Yes, it is in the shop in all its glory!

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival
Lantern Festival store offerings (image via Electronic Arts)

So starting March 31st and ending May 5th you can log in and get a free day pack which contains an April day point and a base item that could be an in-game asset Coins, Skill Boost, Silver Players, or Point Lantern. You will be able to do this up to 30 times, over the course of 35 days. Therefore, from the Free daily offer in April you will receive a guarantee April daily point.

You will use these daily points in April for a total of 8 Lantern Festival Offers. They are all numbered as Lantern Special 1, 2, 3 which run all the way, unlock in order so it’s a bit like a Chain Pack and each requires a specific number of daily April points. See the table below for rewards and requirements:

Milestone Requirement to unlock Reward
Day 1 Nobody Rank up Elite Tokens
Day 3 Request the offer of day 1 Resources
Day 5 Request the Day 3 offer Tour of Victory Emote
Day 7 Request the offer of the day 5 Lantern Point and Logo
Day 12 Request the Day 7 offer Sun and Moon Kit
Day 21 Request the offer of the day 12 88 OVR GK Uğurcan Çakır
Day 27 Request the offer of the day 21 100 elements of training transfer
Day 30 Request the Day 27 offer 90 OVR LM Sadio Mané

Now, as it is set up, all rewards are free in that particular program because it is only a free offer of a chain package. Now, if you want to go ahead and request earlier than expected or make up for lost days, there are Packets of gems available. But try to avoid spending unnecessary Gems.

Offers Lantern

As of April 7, the Offer Lantern opens now this is where you will trade the Lantern points your request on the same day unlocks in the daily milestone reward. Now you may be lucky enough to earn more Lantern Points as part of yours Free Daily Offer because those are popping up in there.

A guaranteed Point Lantern may be required by milestones and are available as a Possible reward in the April Free Daily Offer. These offers may offer Lantern Festival players, more Lantern offers and other in-game resources. Use these Lantern points on the Lantern Offering to claim Lantern Festival players. There is a chance to get another Lantern Point ea new Emote also from this offer!


The Lantern Festival event is located in only two places namely the Shop and the Exchanges that’s all. There are three different exchanges. Trade Lantern Festival players and other players for more extraordinary players, including a 93 OVR LM Sadio Mané Premium version!

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival
Lantern Festival Exchanges (image via Electronic Arts)

Exchanges vary from trading 75-85 OVR players for 88 OVR Lantern Festival players. Three Lantern Festival players, 20 eliteit’s a Master rated 90 can be exchanged for a 92 OVR ST Cédric Bakambu. Check their prices in the market, before investing in them, just to make sure you don’t incur huge losses for claiming players.

The final exchange includes the 93 VR LM Sadio Mané which requires a massive 20 elite, one master, four Lantern Festival playersand also the 90 VR LM Sadio Manéwhich you got for free from the store offers on day 30. Now if you use gems, you can get it early, but you will waste the gems unless it is worth a lot in the market with the people who buy it.

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival Event Currencies

April daily point

  • Claim them from April free offer
  • Use them in the Shop

Point Lantern

  • Claim them from April free offerthe Milestonesand the Offer Lantern
  • Use them on the Offer Lantern

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival Event Tips and Tricks

Being one of the first events in FIFA Mobile 22, the Lantern Festival is a very simple and forage event. It’s not even an actual event, it’s a five-week daily store offer. So here are our additional tips and tricks to help you get the best out of the event.

Now tips for the event. Remember to request your daily offers. That’s all. The only advice for the event. Use the Lanterna April Daily Point offers from time to time to claim Lantern players at the Festival and, in turn, you can exchange them in exchanges.


As stated earlier, before making any trades, check the values ​​of the players you are looking for in the market. If there are no buy orders, your investment can be a waste. Now comes the big dad Spotlight Player 93 VR LM Sadio Mané.

Don’t think about using your Gems to grab version 90 of Mané anytime soon because it becomes virtually free-to-play on Day 30 and there wouldn’t have been many buy orders for version 93 before. It is a viable option only if you see buy orders on him before that day. Coming to the exchange, you need

  • 90 VR LM Lantern Festival Sadio Manè
  • 4 Any Lantern Festival Players
  • 90+ VR Any player
  • 20 80+ VR Players

Now the four festival players, you can trade the same players more than once as these are trades and not SBCs. You will get one guaranteed 88 OVR GK Uğurcan Çakır from the daily offers and will be three short. You should be able to grab the other three from additional Lantern Point offerings, Lantern Player Exchanges, or simply the market. Don’t forget that you will still need the elite group and masters and things can get slightly complicated if your inventory is empty.

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival
Sadio Mane Exchange (image via Electronic Arts)

Self 90 VR Sadio Manè it’s free only by playing the event for one month and you can expect to have around 3-3.5 million coins in the masters and elites. This means this 93 OVR Sadio Mané it’s a relatively inexpensive upgrade. It is entirely up to you and he is free to play and a player that everyone will probably end up with.

93 VR LM Sadio Mané it’s free-to-play and for a relatively cheap offer

It really is, as long as you play 30 of the 35 days and don’t forget to claim your points every day. Also, keep in mind that its being free-to-play will have a significant impact on its market value as well!

FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival event players

FIFA Mobile Lantern Festival players
Image via electronic arts

This is the Lantern Festival event in a nutshell. There is nothing more to say because it is quite simple. Though it’s a bit disappointing considering how the Lantern Festival event could have been staged as the first regional event in Ramadan and, in turn, became a disappointing in-store event. It’s a five week store offer, that’s all! Lantern Festival, that’s all.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below, I’ll make sure to answer all of them. Hope you find this guide to FIFA Mobile 22 Lantern Festival events useful.

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