Season 3: Champions from Apex Legends Mobile was released last week with a new legend – Ash a seasonal cosmetic line and, of course, a new battle passage. In addition to the new features added to the game, many new seasonal events have also been released that offer players free cosmetics, weapon skins and much more. The recently introduced “Competitive” challenge. the event requires players to take on the “Ash Challenge” and load the Ultimate Ability to earn free rewards including “Alternator Weapon Skin” in Apex Legends Mobile.

How to complete the “Competitive Edge” challenge to earn free rewards

Apex Legends Mobile Competitive Edge Challenge
Image via electronic arts

The ‘Competitive advantage’ event started on October 27, 2022 and will stay alive until November 8. There are in total 6 series of missions that players must complete in order to earn a total of 100 points. The missions contain 3 series of events that will update daily and are worthwhile 5 points each. And completing the rest of the 3 missions will give players 10 points each. Below is the list of missions needed to complete the challenge.

  • Kill enemies 10 times in any mode: 5 points (Update the daily event)
  • Finish in the top 3 in ranked mode 2 times as Ash, Wraith or Bangalore: 5 points (updated daily)
  • Deal 1000 damage in any mode like Ash, Wraith, or Bangalore: 5 points (updated daily)
  • Kill enemies 50 times in any mode: 10 points
  • Finish in the top 3 in ranked mode 10 times as Ash, Wraith or Bangalore: 10 points
  • Deal 8000 damage in any mode like Ash, Wraith, or Bangalore: 10 points

Free rewards for collecting points in the “Competitive Edge” Challenge.

The number of points needed to earn each prize is as follows:

  • 20 points: Rat Banner Badge
  • 40 points: Ash and Rat emojis
  • 60 Points: 1,000 Champion Coins
  • 80 Points: Hell Ash Banner Frame (Rare)
  • 100 Points: Past Emblem Alternator Weapon Skin (Epic)
Apex Legends Mobile Competitive Edge Challenge
Image via electronic arts

To enter the event players must tap on the “Competitive Edge” banner located on the right side of the main screen. Players have enough time to complete all missions and get their hands on these free cosmetics. Additionally, a new Trick or Trick event will be released soon that will allow players to earn Epic level Feather and Bone Volt machine gun skin for free by logging into the game.

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