Among the gods! RPG adventure it’s a Role playing game title available on both Android and iOS where it has a storyline followed by some heroes who fight against villains to get justice for their people. The game has many characters which are classified into different classes and categories. So, let’s dive into the world of Among Gods RPG Adventure with this beginner’s guide so they can become the quintessential warriors from their very first shot.

Game overview

The plot revolves around the gods, warriors and their people who are fighting against the evil villains for justice. There is a campaign mode in the game where you have to follow the storyline with the heroes you have summoned. Each hero is then divided into different classes, respectively SS, S, A and B.

Among Gods game overview
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

The SS class has the most powerful heroes in the game and goes down to B where the less powerful heroes are present. Players must summon heroes and create an army of five heroes who will then fight against evils. Players must play and win against troops and villains to collect Hero EXP Boost points. These Hero EXP Boost points help players upgrade their heroes in the game. Heroes upgrade to a certain level based on their powers and abilities. They have special moves and Rage abilities that come into play during the war.

Campaign mode

The game has a camping mode where you can play through different stories. The campaign is divided into six different chapters for now, namely:

  1. The holy city of Aden
  2. Mashkule Castle
  3. The valleys of the Pyrenees
  4. The coast of Normandy
  5. Beyond the white cliff
  6. Ulster Forest I
Among Gods campaign mode Among Gods RPG Adventure Beginners Guide
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

For now, the game has so many storylines in the campaign mode that players can play. Each story follows with several villains at the end. The player-built army must fight against the villain and his troops to conquer and celebrate justice. Players will receive rewards after completing each chapter.

The main city

This game option is considered the home page. Here, players can summon heroes, update them, and even check their profiles.

Image via Century Games Pte. Srl
  • Tavern: A tavern is an option in the main city where players can go and summon all kinds of heroes. To summon heroes, players require diamonds which is an in-game currency used to summon heroes and purchase special items. Diamonds can be received by completing chapters in campaign mode.
  • Miracle: Up here in Miracle, players can upgrade heroes and increase hero stars. Players can also reset heroes and recover any resources used to upgrade them. Fun fact, players can also collect Soul Coins. Soul coins are received by trading them from heroes in Miracle. Players can dismiss heroes with;
    • Go to the Miracle and tap on the Ignore option present on the right side of the screen.
    • Tap the hero you want to dismiss.
    • Tap the dismiss button on the screen and earn Soul Coins as trade rewards. From this, players can also earn Hero EXP Boost points which will help them upgrade other heroes.
  • Guild– Here you can join the panel with your friends and proceed further in the game. Beginners must reach level 15 to unlock this mode.


This option shows other non-arcing challenges for players. Players can earn many rewards from these challenges and use them to upgrade their armies. Unfortunately, beginners must reach level 10 to unlock this mode and enjoy those challenges.


Missions are the section where players have to complete certain assigned missions and in return they get amazing rewards. There are two types of missions;

main-quests-among-gods Among Gods RPG Adventure Beginners Guide
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl
  • Main missions: These missions are the main missions to follow during the game to get rewards.
  • Secondary missions: The missions of the side missions are not related to the main game, but they are also important. Players will earn rewards from side missions after upgrading or leveling up heroes.

Master your heroes

In this section, players can upgrade the heroes they have and make the army much stronger. Players can also check which categories the heroes belong to. Follow the steps to level up your player:

  1. First, go to the hero section and tap on the players you want to level up.
  2. After selecting the player, in the lower left corner, you can see the Level up option.
  3. Tap the option repeatedly to level up the hero and upgrade him.
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

Among Gods has many heroes who have special powers and abilities. Beginners may get confused as they choose the best army for themselves. So, for this, the game has classified the heroes into different classes and divisions so that players can distinguish them and create the best army.

Players can also add gears to players through the gears section on the right side of the screen. Gears are very important as the heroes gain an extra layer of protection during combat. The game has more than 100 heroes with different abilities, divided into 4 classes. These heroes are further classified into five divisions;

  • justice
  • Neutral
  • Bad
  • Holy
  • Corrupt
hero-gallery-tra-dei-Gods Among Gods RPG Adventure Beginners Guide
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

These divisions describe the heroes according to their abilities and origins. Players must choose three heroes from the same category as they will give the army a boost and increase the chances of winning. At first, beginners can play with only 5 heroes, later they can upgrade and increase troop size to 9 heroes.

Improve your character

Completing stories in the campaign can help you earn Hero EXP Boost points as rewards that will help you upgrade heroes. Players can also upgrade hero abilities to make them more effective against villains.

Other game features

There are a few other features that might confuse beginners. let’s find out what they do:


Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

The formation option present in the lower left corner helps the player to create the best army for the war. Here, players can change their formations, remove some heroes and replace points to make the army even stronger than before. At the top, players can even check the overall strength of the army and make adjustments as needed.


army-among-gods Among Gods RPG Adventure Beginners Guide
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

The army section has two options; Gallery And Bonds. The gallery option displays all the heroes in the game so that players can explore and learn about the heroes. In the Bonds option, players can take a look at the best pair and bond with them. This will provide a great advantage to the player in his army. Hence, the players have to go through the best links.


bag among the gods
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

Players can check the items they have earned. Players mainly have 4 types of items in their bag; Fragments, objects, gears and relics.


store-among-gods Among Gods RPG Adventure Beginners Guide
Image via Century Games Pte. Srl

Here, players can purchase special resources with the help of in-game currencies. There are two different types of shops; General Store and Soul Store. In the general shop, players can purchase resources with the help of coins and diamonds, and in the soul shop, players can use their soul coins to purchase resources.

Among the gods! Beginner’s Guide to RPG Adventure: Tips and Tricks

From personal opinion and spending a lot of time in the game, here are the best Among Gods RPG Adventure tips to guide beginners that will help them shine on the battlefield.

1. Choose your army wisely

Players must examine the heroes they have collected. Add the most powerful and upgraded heroes in the army for better results. Try adding three heroes of the same category, it will increase your army and increase the chances of victory.

2. Complete the missions and objectives

Complete the main objectives and missions as soon as possible. Completing missions can help you earn useful rewards in other aspects of the game.

3. Summon heroes

Summon as many heroes as you can, it will definitely reward you with one of the best heroes in the game. This will help you improve your army and easily fight against the toughest villains.

4. Upgrade your heroes

Use your Hero EXP Boost points on your heroes and potentials. This will help you to upgrade player skills and abilities which will give you a great advantage on the battlefield.

5. Level up

The players also have to level up. This will help them unlock various other features of the game which will give better results.

Final thoughts

Among the gods! RPG Adventure is a truly fantastic strategy game. As a new game, it has many mesmerizing features that are loved by the players. It has over 100 heroes who have different skills and abilities. The game is an online game; therefore players cannot afford unfair means of play. Play and earn as many in-game currencies and Hero EXP Boost points as possible to improve your team. Build your ultimate army and individual warriors to destroy the faces of the bad guys.

Complete the chapters of the campaign mode, complete your daily and side missions to earn points and reach the great heights of the game. Let’s hope this Between Gods! The RPG Adventure Beginner’s Guide will help you play and make the best move on your first try.

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