Today Sony unveiled its latest progress video. Although there were updates on Subnautica: Below Zero and the PlayStation debut of Among Us, most of the presentation focused on the upcoming game Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. Here are all the major announcements from Sony’s State of Play for April 2021.

Subnautica: trailer below zero

The first thing the show focused on was a trailer for Subnautica: Below Zero. This sequel to the original hit game was an Early Access hit on Steam. Now, the game will arrive on PS4 and PS5 on May 14th. PS5 gamers can expect 4K resolution, 60 FPS, Dual Sense controls, and even the ability to freely upgrade from the PS4 version.

Among Us coming to PS4 and PS5

The next announcement was that Among Us would be coming to PS4 and PS5 later this year. It will feature crossplay compatibility with other platforms and will also include Sony Ratchet & Clank exclusive skins, hat and pet.

Gameplay footage from Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Most of today’s 37 minutes of State of Play, however, was about Rachet and Clank’s latest adventure. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is an upcoming title where Ratchet must find Clank as he navigates a different dimension where Doctor Nefarious is an evil emperor. Along the way, he has the help of a new Lombax ally called Rivet.

Featuring 15 minutes of new gameplay footage from Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, today’s presentation touched upon the DualSense controller functionality for the game. Adaptive triggers and haptic feedback should make weapons and events more engaging. For example, when using the new Shatterbomb, you can feel every impact it makes.

The presentation also highlighted the PS5’s SSD capabilities. Thanks to the SSD, players can jump through cracks and instantly appear somewhere else without any lag or lag.

Finally, the presentation teased us some new features without going into detail. This included the game’s accessibility features, as well as a new photo mode, air combat, and open areas for players to explore.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart will be released on June 11 exclusively for PlayStation 5.

You can stream the full April 2021 progress presentation below.

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