Tomatoes are the most loved and widespread vegetables in the world. They are delicious, versatile and relatively easy to grow. However, like all plants, i tomatoes are prone to disease and growth problems. One of the most common symptoms that worries growers is the onset of black leaves and stems in tomato plants. This problem is due to a specific disease of fungal origin and can cause a serious deterioration in plant health and productivity, therefore it is important to take the appropriate measures to prevent it.

In this article, we reveal why tomatoes can develop black leaves and stems. Grow healthy and lush tomatoes it requires an understanding of the possible issues that can occur during the plant growth cycle.

Black leaves and stems of tomatoes: cause and solution

Black stem
The reason why tomatoes have black leaves and stems is a disease with a precise name, namely the downy mildew of tomato, caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. This phytopathology causes, as the first visible symptoms, the appearance of black leaves and stems in plants, a manifestation that can occur at any stage of the vegetative cycle. The fungus develops best in humid and warm environments, typically in a very rainy spring season. It spreads rapidly through its spores, quickly infecting all plants in the field and causing significant and often irreversible damage to crops. It is therefore important to adopt preventive measures to avoid the onset of downy mildew.
Black tomato leaf
When plants begin to show symptoms of blackened leaves and stems, it is already too late to intervene. Preventive actions include crop rotation and performing treatments with products allowed in organic farming .
Among the preventive treatments the most classic is the one with copper-based products while the most modern is the one with the zeolite rock powder .
Therefore, in a humid period which predisposes to the attack of downy mildew, it is necessary to carry out periodic treatments with the products mentioned above, on average every 15 days.

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