How and when to water aubergines in the garden

  • Post category:Gardening

2Eggplants are delicious vegetables that require special care and attention during their cultivation. An essential practice to ensure good growth and abundant fruit production is to irrigate the aubergines correctly.…

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How do traps work to catch Popillia japonica?

  • Post category:Gardening

3There Popillia japonicacommonly known as Japanese beetle, is a harmful insect that feeds on the leaves of numerous plants, causing serious damage to gardens, agricultural land, vineyards and green areas…

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How to grow a pineapple plant in a pot

  • Post category:Fruit Trees

104There pineapple plant belongs to the family of Bromeliadstype Pineapple. There are several species, the most famous and cultivated is theComosus pineapple. A tropical or sub-tropical climate is required to…

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