There Solanum pseudocapsicumcommonly called Jerusalem cherryis a plant belonging to the family of Solanaceaethe same as tomatofrom the potatoes and gods peppers. It is native to tropical and subtropical America, but has been introduced and cultivated in many parts of the world as an ornamental plant.
Solanum pseudocapsicum it is a plant that produces small fruits similar to deep red or orange berries. These fruits resemble small cherries, hence the common name, and are highly poisonous if ingested. Therefore, the plant is grown only for decorative purposes and not for food. Its bright berries are used as ornaments in Christmas wreaths or floral arrangements.

In this article we see everything you need to know to grow Jerusalem cherry in the garden or in pots.

How is the plant made of Solanum pseudocapsicum?

Jerusalem cherry in the garden
The Jerusalem cherry is a perennial plant that can reach a height of between 60 and 90 cm. It has a shrubby habit with slightly flexible branches and branched crown.
The leaves of Solanum pseudocapsicum they are oval or lanceolate in shape, dark green in color and with a shiny surface. They are arranged alternately along the branches of the plant. Leaf margins may be slightly serrated.
The main feature of this plant is its berry-like fruits, which develop in small hanging clusters. At first, the fruits are green in color and gradually ripen to a deep red or orange color when fully ripe. Each fruit contains numerous small seeds. Inconspicuous for most of the year, it explodes with color in autumn-winter, when the berries ripen.
When grown outdoors in suitable climates, the Jerusalem cherry can reach its maximum size of 60-90cm. If, on the other hand, it is grown in pots, the size of the plant can be limited according to the size of the container.

What are the varieties of Solanum pseudocapsicum?

There are commercial varieties of Solanum pseudocapsicum which have been selected for their ornamental characteristics. These varieties differ mainly in fruit color and overall plant size.
Some of the more common varieties include:

  • Red Elf: A compact plant with small, bright red fruits. It is suitable for cultivation in pots and for ornamental purposes;
  • Variegatum: This variety has variegated leaves with white or cream streaks. The fruits are deep red in colour. It is prized for its decorative foliage;
  • Capitatum: a variety with red, rounded fruits. The plant has an erect and branched habit;
  • Ciliatum: This variety has red or orange fruit and is distinguished by its leaves that are slightly jagged on the edges;
  • Tiger Eyes: A variety with yellow or deep golden leaves that adds a decorative look to the plant.

How do you grow Jerusalem cherry in the garden?

Solanum pseudocapsicum prefers a warm, temperate climate for optimal growth. It is a tropical and subtropical plant that tolerates moderate temperatures well, but is not frost-hardy. For which it can be grown in the open ground in the garden only under certain conditions and not in all regions.
The plant develops best in temperatures between 18 °C and 27 °C. It does not tolerate temperatures below 10 °C well and can be seriously damaged if exposed to frost. It is therefore possible to grow it all year round outdoors in the coastal areas of the southern regions. The plant requires good exposure to sunlight, so it should be placed in a flower bed that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. The plant tolerates moderate humidity, so make sure the soil is well drained to avoid water stagnation which could damage the roots.
As a slightly flexible plant, Jerusalem cherry can be susceptible to damage from high winds. Then place the plant in a protected area or provide adequate support to avoid damage.
By following these guidelines, it is possible to successfully grow Jerusalem cherry outdoors in a suitable climate, creating the ideal conditions for its healthy and vigorous growth.

How to grow the Solanum pseudocapsicum potted and at home?

Potted Jerusalem cherry
When growing plants indoors and in pots, it’s important to place them in a room that meets their needs for light and temperature. So here are some tips on how to place the plants Solanum pseudocapsicum inside of.
Try to place the plant in a room that gets plenty of direct sunlight. An area near a south or west facing window is preferable. Make sure the plants get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. If natural light is limited, you can supplement it with artificial lighting using fluorescent or high-intensity LED lamps.
As mentioned, the Jerusalem cherry prefers moderate temperatures, therefore avoid placing the plant in places subject to sudden changes in temperature or near heat sources such as radiators or air conditioners. Make sure that the temperature of the environment where the plant is located is constant and does not drop below 10 °C. Solanum pseudocapsicum likes moderate humidity. If the environment is too dry, you can increase the humidity around the plant by placing a bowl of water near it or by using a humidifier. Also make sure that the area where the plant is located has good air circulation, but no cold drafts. This will help prevent mold or fungal disease problems.


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What is the best soil for growing Jerusalem cherry?

The ideal land to cultivate Solanum pseudocapsicumboth in the garden and in pots, must be well drained, fertile and rich in organic matter.
First of all, therefore, make sure that the soil has good drainage to avoid water stagnation which could damage the roots of the plant. If the soil is clayey or heavy, it is advisable to improve drainage by adding sand or perlite.
This Solanum thrives in fertile soils, before planting, it is helpful to incorporate organic matter such as compost or mature manure in the soil to enrich it and supply nutrients to the plant.
The soil pH ideal for Solanum pseudocapsicum it lies between 5.5 and 7.5, i.e. neutral or slightly alkaline. It’s possible check the pH of the soil using a soil test kit available at garden supply stores.
In the open field, the soil should have a good structure, aerated and well crumbled. This favors the penetration of the roots and the flow of water, therefore work it with a good spade.
If growing Jerusalem cherry in pots, it is important to use a high quality soil, that for vegetable plants is fine to which you can simply add organic matter. These potting soils are well balanced in terms of drainage and water retention, providing an environment conducive to plant growth.

How to reproduce Jerusalem cherry?

The plant of Solanum pseudocapsicum can be multiplied through vegetative propagation or seeding.
There propagation by cuttings it is done by taking a portion of the mother plant, commonly and rooting that portion to create a new plant.
This operation can be carried out in early autumn or early spring. Take a cutting about 10-15cm long from the mother plant, making sure the cutting has at least 2-3 nodes (the areas from which the leaves develop). Remove the lower leaves from the cutting and plant it in light, well-drained soil. Keep the cutting moist and in a warm, bright place, but avoid direct sunlight. After a few weeks, the cutting should root. Once it has developed a healthy root system, it can be transplanted into a pot or garden.
The seed propagation of the Jerusalem cherry is carried out using the seeds obtained from the ripe berries or purchased online.
Starting with the fruits, pick them when they are completely red or orange. Remove the seeds from the berry and rinse to remove any remaining pulp. Plant the seeds in early spring, in a light, well-drained potting soil, pressing them lightly into the soil. Lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of potting soil and keep the soil moist, but not overly wet. Place the vase or the seedbed in a warm and bright place. The seeds should germinate within a few weeks. Once the seedlings are large enough, they can be transplanted into pots or the garden.

How much water to give the Solanum pseudocapsicum?

The amount of water a plant needs Solanum pseudocapsicum it depends on various factors, including the type of soil and the environmental conditions.
Jerusalem cherry prefers moist, but not saturated soils. Make sure the soil is moist to the touch, but avoid leaving it soaked with water, which could cause root rot. Try to water the plant only when the soil starts to dry out on the surface. L’drip irrigation or via a slow diffusion system it is preferable to supply water evenly to the plant without creating stagnant water. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, including the climate, the size of the pot or soil and the growth of the plant.
Generally, in summer or in hot, dry periods, it may be necessary to water more frequently. However, avoid overwatering, as this could lead to overwatering problems. Make sure the soil or pot has good drainage. This allows excess water to flow away, avoiding stagnation and root rot problems. Look closely at the plant and the surrounding soil. If you notice browned leaves or signs of overwatering, reduce the frequency of watering. If, on the other hand, the leaves wither and the soil is dry, increase the frequency and dosage of watering.
In summary, it is essential to find a balance in the supply of water to the plant, keeping the soil moist, but avoiding waterlogging. Monitor plant conditions closely and adjust watering accordingly.

How to prune the plant Solanum pseudocapsicum?

The plants of Solanum pseudocapsicum they do not require regular pruning like some other ornamental plants. However, selective pruning can be done to control the shape and size of the plant or to remove any dead or damaged branches. During the first few years of the plant’s growth, light pruning can be done to help form a solid, well-branched structure. Remove any weak or poorly placed branches to promote balanced growth. Afterwards, observe the plants regularly, and if you notice any dead or damaged branches, you can prune them back to maintain a healthy, clean plant.
Remember that the plant produces poisonous fruit, so when pruning, be sure to wear protective gloves and avoid touching or ingesting the fruit.

What pests attack Jerusalem cherries?

The plants of Solanum pseudocapsicum they can be subject to attacks by various common parasites that affect garden plants. These include:

  • aphids: small and soft insects that suck the sap of the plants and can cause deformation of the leaves, disseminate diseases and reduce the vitality of the plant. Aphid infestations resolve with targeted treatments with soft potassium soap;
  • red spider mite: this tiny mite that feeds on the juices of the leaves, leaving behind small yellow or white spots and producing fine cobwebs. It attacks in summer and a severe infestation can cause the death of the plant. The spider mite can be eliminated by increasing the humidity of the vegetation with nebulization of fresh water;
  • scale insects: these parasites attach themselves to the leaves and branches, sucking the sap. They can cause yellowing, decay and leaf fall. They fight each other intervening in a timely manner with white mineral oil.

What are the toxicity risks of berries Solanum pseudocapsicum?

Poisonous berries of Solanum pseudocapsicum
The berries of Solanum pseudocapsicum I am considered toxic for human and animal ingestion. In fact, they contain several toxic alkaloids, including solanocapsin And solasonin.
The alkaloids present in berries can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, if ingested. In some cases, neurological symptoms such as tremors, seizures and changes in blood pressure may also occur. Importantly, toxicity can vary from person to person and can be affected by the amount of berries ingested.
It is especially important to keep plants of Solanum pseudocapsicum out of the reach of children and pets, as the berries may look attractive, but are very dangerous if ingested. In case of accidental ingestion of berries, it is advisable to immediately contact a doctor or poison control center to receive specific indications.
It is recommended to be aware of the toxicity of Jerusalem cherry berries and to take adequate precautions to avoid accidental ingestion.

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