Nothing Phone (2) is set to launch on July 11th and now we have an official look at the back of the device in its two colors: white and grey. At first glance, not much has changed in terms of design, but the device comes with a modified Glyph interface.

No phone (2)

No phone (2)

Speaking of the glyph interface, MKBHD extension shared an exclusive look at the new Nothing Phone 2 back design. The top and sides of the back now curve into the frame, another difference from the first Nothing phone.

Phone (2) has 11 segmented LED strips compared to 5 units of the Nothing Phone (1). The updated Glyph interface now has 33 LED lighting zones compared to 12 on the phone (1) which should add a level of granular control over the LEDs.

Nothing Phone (2) supports volume control on the back using the Glyph interface to show the volume level. The Glyph Timer works similarly by representing the time remaining within the LED strip on the back. Nothing added to Essential’s notifications as well which assigns the top right LED to a particular app and the LED will stay on until you clear the notification.

Nothing will work as well with third party app developers to take advantage of the new Glyph interface.

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Philip Owell

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