There maritime cineraria (Jacobaea maritima) is a plant belonging to the large family of Asteraceae. On the texts it is variously called and you can meet it with the synonyms of Cineraria maritima, Senecio maritimus And Senecio cineraria. It is a typical species that grows spontaneously in our country, where it is also cultivated for ornamental purposes. However, there are many species on the market, with striking and colorful blooms, which are grown in the garden following annual cycles.

In any case, we will focus our attention on the classic maritime cineraria, also because it is a plant widely used in herbal medicine for its beneficial properties, in particular for the eyes.

Description of the maritime cineraria

Maritime Cineraria
Cineraria marittima is a perennial, suffruticosa plant. It initially develops herbaceous branches, which over time lignify in the lower part. It is also well branched and develops a voluminous and showy bush, up to 1 m tall. The branches are first lying down and rooting, then they become erect. The whole plant is covered with a thick fluffy down which gives it the typical silvery appearance.


Cineraria leaves
The leaves of the maritime cineraria are fleshy and endowed with a robust petiole. They are pinnatifid, with variously incised lobes or, in turn, pinnatifid. The color is white on the lower page, ash silver on the upper one, as, as mentioned, the surface is covered with strong tomentosity.


Cineraria marittima flowers
The inflorescence of the maritime cineraria is formed by a large terminal corymb, in turn composed of numerous flower heads. These are enclosed by a series of linear and sharp bracts. The externally arranged flowers have a tubular corolla terminated by a golden yellow tongue; the internal ones always have a tubular corolla, but divided at the fauce into five acute triangular lobes.
Flowering occurs in late spring and lasts until summer, it is very popular with bees and butterflies.

Fruits and seeds

The fruit is a subconical achene, with a minutely streaked and normally hairy surface. Above it is inserted in a pappus of simple bristles.

The habitat of the maritime cineraria

As you can easily guess from the name, the maritime cineraria prefers coastal areas. In Italy it grows spontaneously above all on the Tyrrhenian belt and on the islands, where it is naturalized. It grows on rocky and sunny slopes, in poor and dry soils. It is also very resistant to drought and salinity, both of the soil and of air currents.

How to cultivate the maritime cineraria

In addition to the coastal areas, to cultivate the maritime cineraria in the open ground as a perennial plant it is necessary to be in areas with mild winters, where frosts are only sporadic. In the central-southern areas there are usually no problems of resistance to winter cold, in the north instead, the cineraria is grown as an annual plant or in pots with frost protection.
Wherever you are, however, it is essential that you expose the plant in full sun, therefore to the south.


The cineraria is not very demanding in terms of type of terrain, the most suitable are those sandy or with a coarse texture, well drained. Clayey and asphyxiated soils, which give rise to stagnation of water, should be avoided.
If you want to grow it in the garden, in prepare the soil Amend a good amount of sand, which is readily available in construction shops.
In a jar, prepare a mix consisting of soil for green plants (70%) and sand (30%). As an alternative to sand, the perlite.
A handful of earthworm humus you hate home compost.


The best time to plant cineraria in the garden is early spring (the small potted plant is easily found in sale in specialized shops). In order for it to develop a nice bush, leave enough space for it (at least 50 cm between one plant and another).


You can also decide to start a cultivation of Senecio cineraria starting from the seeds. Sowing is done at the end of winter, using small pots filled with the soil mix seen above. Immediately the plant should be kept in the sun and in the early stages of growth the soil must be well moist. Transplanting into a larger container (or into garden flower beds) will be done when the stems are at least 10-15 cm long.

Subdivision of the tufts

Another simple method of multiplication of the maritime cineraria is the subdivision of the tufts, a technique suitable for plants in containers and to be done at the time of repotting.
At the beginning of spring, just take the plant from its container and untangle the root system, dividing it into several portions for how many new plants we want to create.


The cineraria can also be reproduced with the cutting technique to be carried out at the end of summer by taking portions of semi-woody branches. The percentage of engraftment is good, but it must be protected during the winter months, for example by moving it indoors, guaranteeing good brightness and a humid environment.


The irrigation of the marine cineraria must be minimal, in emergency, only in periods of long summer drought. For potted plants it can be done once a week in the summer.


For the marine cineraria it is perhaps improper to speak of pruning, as the plant should be allowed to grow free and limit oneself to cutting dry or damaged branches. If you want to create small hedges, however, cut the apexes of the longer branches 1 or 2 times a year, so as to favor the swelling of the lower part.

Defense from parasites

Among the parasites that can attack the leaves of the marine cineraria the most fearful are the aphids in spring, which smear the vegetation causing its deterioration. As soon as we become aware of their presence, to stop the infestation it is good to use del soft potassium soap specific for agriculturewhich on the market is found with ease.

Collection and conservation

As mentioned, the maritime cineraria is also famous for its beneficial properties. The part used is the leaves, which should be harvested just before flowering, therefore in May or June, depending on the area. In the harvest, the lower, more woody part is left intact, so that it can emit new shoots. Once harvested, they should be dried in thin layers in the shade or in bunches hung in well-ventilated rooms. They are then kept in paper or jute bags.

Ownership of the maritime cineraria

They have always been attributed to the maritime cineraria anti-inflammatory and ophthalmic properties. The plant is not edible, as it contains an alkaloid of the senecin type, therefore it is only used externally. It has a decongestant action and is used in conjunctivitis, sores, numbness and ulceration of the cornea, through the use of eye drops and under medical supervision.
In the home, we are limited to prepare a decoction decongestant with 2 g of dry leaves in 100 ml of water. The decoction is then applied on the eyelids, using sterile soaked gauze.

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