Among the many tricks available for WhatsApp, there is also the one to read the vowels. An easy and comfortable solution that does not require you to keep your ear on the phone.

WhatsApp and voice (AdobeStock)
WhatsApp and voice (AdobeStock)

L’it was digital it has provided us with many tools to communicate. Not only through writing but also with the voice, beyond the more traditional calls. Among the many messaging applications there is Whatsapp. This is a behemoth in this field. It is used by millions of people who use it with ease every day.

In these years, we have seen several tricks that you can use for this application. Like, for example, the small shortcut that concerns our presence within so many groups. This is just one example of the many possibilities that you can have with this application. Not only dictated by the main application but also by external shortcuts.

Among the many functionalities, we find the vowels. Not everyone likes these and, above all, they don’t like them when a user abuses them. Being on the phone for a long time, in an obligatory manner, can bring a certain annoyance. Again, to prevent the annoyance from turning into something else there is a small but very effective trick.

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WhatsApp: here’s how to read the vowels

There technology has many interesting implications. It allows us to always be connected with extreme ease and speed. But it also has dark sides. For example, there can be security risks in an application like WhatsApp. That’s why you always have to be careful about anything. A little out of place detail can be a serious problem.

Our discussion, however, concerns the vowels. Especially for all those users who do not want to hear any opinion through their voice. Many would like to advise you to stop but it’s not always that easy. Fortunately, there is a really quick and easy trick here too.

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The solution for converting vowels to text is called Transcriber. The application will allow us to take the ear off the phone and read the voice note quietly. The process is really simple. Once the note is received, that’s enough share it to the aforementioned application that will be usable after installing it. The transformation into text will happen quickly and you can read it wherever you like.

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Philip Owell

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