For those who intend to access WhatsApp on multiple phones, it is not impossible. It is possible thanks to simple and few steps to take: here are what they are to use the app.

The instant messaging app is important not only for spending time with your friends and exchanging nice photos and videos. In fact, many people also use it for work. For this reason it is still useful to use the service on other devices and not just on your smartphone. To do it is very simple.

WhatsApp icon on PC and smartphone
Log in on WhatsApp (AdobeStock) –

It’s no mystery that Whatsapp it is the application par excellence when we talk about instant messaging, since it is the one that everyone uses, despite the many competitors who have launched and updated their platforms to conform to the service of the Meta group. It’s not for nothing that it has over two billion users who use it regularly every day.

One of the variants that interested people was when the app also allowed it to be used in the browser with the Web version of Whatsapp and then also the one for tablets. This allowed users to control the service from their computer as well. Well, now not everyone knows that it is possible to have the same account WhatsApp on two phones at the same time.

Access WhatsApp on two phones: here’s how

The interesting thing is that it can be used WhatsApp on two phones using very few steps. First, you need to identify which is the primary and secondary cell phone, once done you can easily proceed with the synchronization.

First you need to get the secondary phone and open the previously downloaded WhatsApp application. Then you have to scroll to choose the language (Italian, English, French or other) and then click on the green arrow in the lower right corner. Then continue by tapping “accept and continue”.

The next step, still on the secondary device, is to tap on the three vertical dots at the top right. In this situation you don’t have to enter the phone number, but it will QR code displayed which will be essential to proceed.

Once the code is displayed, you must immediately take the main phone and then open WhatsApp. Also in this case the steps are very similar to those of the first: touch the three vertical dots and then touch the connected devices. Then click on the button “connect a device”so that the camera opens in the app.

Then it is possible scan the QR code on your secondary phone with the app’s camera scanner open on your primary phone. Once these steps have been taken, the secondary device will automatically access WhatsApp and therefore it is possible to use the service on both smartphones.

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Philip Owell

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