Sony has revealed that on Thursday 8 July it will host a new live stream on the progress, focusing on the third-party game Deathloop. Live streaming will begin at 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET / 10:00 PM BST and will run for approximately 30 minutes. You can tune into PlayStation’s Twitch and YouTube channels.

According to Sony, the event will include a nine-minute video that will showcase Deathloop’s gameplay. The game will arrive on PS5 and PC on September 14th.

In addition to including an extensive game demo for Deathloop, viewers will also receive more news on upcoming indie games and third-party titles.

Sony has confirmed that this week’s progress will not include any first-party releases, with the company planning to share more information on the new God of War, Horizon Forbidden West and the next generation of PlayStation VR later in the summer.

Category: Game consoles, News

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