Yesterday, Japanese retailers revealed that a new iteration of Sony’s PlayStation 5 consoles (dubbed “CFI-1200”) will launch on September 15th. Now Australian publication press start found that this latest edition is lighter than the 2021 revision.

The new revision of the PS5 disc (CFI-1202A)
The new PS5 Digital revision (CFI-1202B)

The new PS5 Disc revision (CFI-1202A) • The new PS5 Digital revision (CFI-1202B)

The previous edition (“CFI-1100”) was 300g lighter than the launch model (for the digital edition), due to a redesign of the heatsink. It is entirely possible that this latest revision will also reduce weight by reducing the heat sink. Interestingly, the new Disc Edition now weighs as much as the original Digital Edition.

PS5 disc PS5 digital
Original 4.5 kg 9.9 lbs 3.9 kg 8.6 lbs
2021 4.2 kg 9.3 lbs 3.6 kg 7.9 lbs
2022 3.9 kg 8.6 lbs 3.4 kg 7.5 lbs

There is some speculation that this revision will move the APU to a 6nm node (down from the original 7nm node), but this has not been confirmed. If true, it will need less cooling, which may justify the weight savings. In any case, the latest revision is said to be optimized for faster production.

PS. In case you missed the bad news, Sony is raising PS5 prices almost everywhere. Check out our post for up-to-date pricing (up to 6% or up to 21%, depending on your region).

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Philip Owell

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