The Tecno Pova 5 Pro was released last August and its successor is already on the way. According to Tecno itself, the Pova 6 Pro will be made official at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona at the end of next month.

It will be the first Tecno phone to offer support for Dolby Atmos, after Tecno and Dolby Laboratories signed a partnership agreement for this purpose. It’s not just the Pova 6 Pro: other, as yet unnamed, members of the upcoming Pova 6 series will also receive Dolby Atmos, along with all future Camon and Phantom series devices.

Tecno Pova 6 Pro 5G launches at MWC with Dolby Atmos support

Tecno says this will provide its users with “a breathtaking Dolby Atmos spatial sound experience that you can hear around you, revealing depth, clarity and detail like never before.” You should expect “moving audio that flows above and around you.” An “immersive sound experience” is delivered via stereo earphones or headphones, or via the phone’s built-in speakers.

And all of this, as you may already know, isn’t limited to Dolby Atmos content: Dolby Atmos on a phone affects the sound of all music, games, movies and shows, providing “a more natural listening experience with dialogue clarity, a more immersive sound field, greater subtlety and nuance, maximized volume without distortion, and consistent playback volume for a variety of content.”

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