Today, among many other things, Samsung also presented a brand new screen for the XR headphones, which features a very interesting technology: OLEDoS, or OLED on Silicon. This is apparently the world’s first OLEDoS display with an RGB sub-pixel structure. It is created by applying organic materials onto a silicon wafer.

It has a diagonal of 1.03 inches and a square and the company promises to have a good 3,500 ppi. While Samsung didn’t mention the resolution, some quick calculations show it to be around 2,550 x 2,550. The XR headphones would obviously use two, one for each eye.

Samsung introduces 3,500 ppi screen for XR headphones

Since there’s no need for a separate light source, it being OLED and all, Samsung promises lifelike images. Unfortunately, the company has remained silent on the refresh rate of the display. Some speculate that it is 90Hz, but with nothing official, that’s just what it is: speculation.

The screen is created by eMagin, a US-based OLEDoS display maker that Samsung acquired a few months ago. eMagin specializes in producing night vision helmets and goggles for military use, which also use OLEDoS panels like this one.

Samsung’s announcement of a new display usually means that Samsung will later use it in at least one of its products, so this makes us think that a Samsung XR headset is on the way. This, of course, would be far from surprising considering that Apple is now in the game with its Vision Pro headphones that will begin shipping on February 2nd.

Given Qualcomm’s announcement a few days ago of the Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 2 chipset for the XR headphones, it stands to reason that it will power the Samsung device, which could run a special version of Android designed by Google specifically for the

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Philip Owell

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