Samsung recently introduced the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 and opened pre-orders for the foldables on August 1 in South Korea. The campaign is going strong domestically with orders exceeding one million for the two devices, beating the previous record of 970,000 for 2022 devices.

Not surprisingly, the Galaxy Z Flip5 proved to be more popular than the Fold5, accounting for around 70% of the total 1.02 million units. This is an improvement for the clamshell because last year’s Galaxy Z Flip4 accounted for about 60%. Flip5 pre-orders have reached 714,000, while the Fold5 has gotten around 306,000 units with still days left before the end of the pre-order window.

Interestingly, consumers at home are less interested in the large foldable than its predecessor, as the Fold4 has gained 388,000 pre-orders. The rather tame upgrade combined with the Fold4’s solid durability means few existing users were tempted to upgrade even with Samsung’s hefty trade-in incentives.

Samsung announces record pre-orders for Galaxy Z Flip5, Fold5 in Korea

We can see why users have flocked to the Galaxy Z Flip5: it offers a larger coverage screen that’s far more usable than any of its predecessors, and it vastly improves the selfie-taking experience, as well as navigating when the device is closed. .

Our review of the Samsung Galaxy Flip5 and we are working hard to complete the detailed test of the Fold5. In the meantime you might want to check out our first thoughts and hands-on experience.

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