Nothing previously said it wouldn’t bring Android 13 to its phone this year (1), but now it seems to be changing its tune a bit. We’re not talking about a full, stable release available to everyone, mind you, but there will be a beta before the end of 2022.

A closed beta is in fact already being tested, but the open one will arrive in mid-December. If you have the Nothing Phone (1) and are willing to test this beta build when it arrives, you can register your interest on this website.

Nothing starts accepting signups for the Phone (1) Android 13 beta update due out in mid-December

As the text explains, the feedback you provide on the beta build will be used to improve Nothing OS until the official launch of the Android 13 update. That said, you should expect bugs, crashes, and assorted other issues as with any unfinished software , so definitely back up your phone before installing the beta. And maybe don’t even try if it’s your only device?

It’s unclear what this beta launch means for when we should expect the final version to be released. But unless the beta is more like a release candidate, it definitely won’t be this year. Hopefully it will arrive earlier in 2023, rather than later.

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Philip Owell

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