Apple’s iOS has always been faster in reaching devices than Android, and this is thanks to the fact that iOS is iOS, while Android has different levels of manufacturer skins that need to be adapted to a new version. It also helps that Apple makes both the hardware and the software, no doubt.

So it will come as no surprise to you that iOS 16, which was first released last September, is already on 81% of iPhones out there. If we limit ourselves to the iPhones launched in recent years, the figure rises to 90%.

iOS 16 is now running on 81% of all iPhones

13% of all iPhones (and 8% of those released in the last four years) are running iOS 15 and the rest are running an older version.

On the tablet side, 71% of all iPads are already on iPadOS 16, followed by 20% with iPadOS 15. For iPads released in the past four years, iPadOS 16 again gets 76% market share, followed by iPadOS 15 with 18%.

For comparison, Google’s latest numbers came in April and showed Android 13 (the latest version, introduced last August) hitting 12% of all devices.

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Philip Owell

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