Every tech user is different, and even in an era where large displays and swipe gestures are the norm, there are still users who believe “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Movie star Chris Evans wasn’t ready to part with his iPhone 6S in an Instagram post he posted with his beloved 2015 iPhone.

“I’ll miss your home button,” Evans writes in his Instagram post, a heartfelt ode to his six-year-old iPhone. “I will not lose the night battle to try to get your charge. Or your grainy photos. Or your sudden drops from 100% battery, to 15%, to run out completely in minutes. It was a wild ride. Take it easy, man.

The new device depicted in the image is presumably an iPhone 13 mini. It appears to be roughly the same size as the iPhone 6S, which has a slightly larger footprint than the 13 mini.

Apple iPhone 6S (2015)
Apple iPhone 6S (2015)

Evans appears to have had problems with a degraded battery and possibly an uncooperative lightning port. Despite his age, the iPhone 6S was still officially supported on OS 15, but his end of life would come with the public release of iOS 16 expected in the fall.

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