HMD Global has been launching smartphones under the Nokia brand for six years. The independent Finnish company plans to expand its portfolio and will introduce phones under its own HMD brand.

The announcement comes from Jean-Francois Baril, co-founder, president and CEO of HMD Global. The executive revealed on his LinkedIn page that both HMD and Nokia phones will coexist and that customers should also expect collaboration “with exciting new partners.”

HMD Global will create its own brand of HMD smartphones

In a lengthy post, Baril said HMD Global is “the fastest growing 5G smartphone maker year-over-year” and a leader in sustainability with repairable Nokia devices launched in the last twelve months.

The company is now ready “to enter the market independently to create a new world for telecommunications focused on consumer needs”.

HMD is proud to be “one of the largest smartphone companies in Europe” and will soon begin providing “affordable, high-quality mobile devices” to consumers around the world. The statement contained no details with an actual timeline, but we expect one to be revealed soon.

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