The Google Pixel 8 is on sale and shipping now, and we have a hands-on test of the compact phone and its larger counterpart. But while we’re working on the full review, we thought we’d also do a quick unboxing.

The Pixel 8 ships with a USB-C to USB-A adapter and a USB-C cable.

Google Pixel 8 unboxing

Google doesn’t include a charger in the box, and if you want to get the official 30W unit, it will cost you €29.

Google Pixel 8 unboxing

We have the Pixel 8 in Hazel, though it’s more of a concrete gray or oil paint color. It’s an interesting shade that makes us think of the M Brooklyn Gray Metallic paint job on the new BMW 3 Series more than any other phone.

We’re working on the Pixel 8 review so stay tuned!

The Google Pixel 8 from both sides
The Google Pixel 8 from both sides

The Google Pixel 8 from both sides


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Philip Owell

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