Currently, Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications are limited and the chip is only present in a handful of Android and iOS devices. However, this will likely change in the near future as Google is working on new UWB-based Chromebook features.

Google is working on new UWB-based features for Chromebooks

While UWB is currently mainly used for a more accurate way to determine the location and navigation of the device indoors, the short-range wireless communication protocol has much more potential than this. In fact, it’s so powerful that it could eventually replace Bluetooth, NFC, and RFID. Not to mention that it can compete with Wi-Fi protocol with high frequency bands.

Also, the bandwidth of data transfer via these millimeter waves can reach 1Gbps, which is fast enough for a wireless protocol. UWB is also natively more accurate, is more energy efficient, and manufacturing UWB chips will only get cheaper over time as the industry pushes for wider adoption.

That’s why Google sees great potential in the technology and is currently testing different usage scenarios. Chromebook to Chromebook, Chromebook to phone, and even multi-peer connections are all possibilities currently being explored by Google.

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