Google was founded on September 4, 1998, and on September 12 this year the company celebrates its birthday with some offers on its European online stores. The sales landing page is active in virtually all European countries.

Google is celebrating its 25th birthday with offers on its online stores in Europe

Unfortunately, we don’t know which products will be on sale, but Google has cut the entire Pixel 7, Pixel Tablet, Pixel Buds A-series, Buds Pro, Pixel Watch, Nest Hub 2nd Gen, Chromecast 4K, Nest Wi – range by 25%. Router Fi and Nest Cam in Japan last month to celebrate its birthday. So we can expect similar discounts in Europe too.

Maybe it’s a good time to clear out your inventory as Google has officially confirmed the arrival of the Pixel 8 series (and maybe even the Pixel Watch 2) on October 4th.

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