DxOMark is an independent organization that evaluates and evaluates smartphones, lenses and cameras. Many flagship smartphones receive photos, videos and overall scores from DxOMark. Brands once cared about the scores given by DxOMark and used to brag about the performance and quality of their camera.

In recent years, brands have not used this metric, unless the new device ranks first on DxOMark. This is what DxOMark CEO Frederik Guichard explained during an interview Jiemian News.

Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra (left) and Xiaomi 12S Ultra (right)
Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra (left) and Xiaomi 12S Ultra (right)

As for Xiaomi and other manufacturers who don’t send devices for DxOMark evaluation, Guichar said: “It’s not that fewer manufacturers scores don’t use our test scores, but fewer mobile phone test scores can be. ranked first “. Guichard says that a device that ranks first in DxOMark scores gets a lot of promotional attention and so if the brand doesn’t believe the smartphone will be in first place, they won’t send a device for testing.

This was in response to a report from the last few weeks that Xiaomi did not send the Xiaomi 12S Ultra to DxOMark, as announced by CEO Lei Jun himself. DxOMark bought and evaluated the Xiaomi flagship on its own. He scored 138 in total, just a few points below the 143 that the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra scored last year.

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