Samsung has announced a new medication tracking feature for its Samsung Health app. It does exactly what you think: it helps you keep track of your prescription and over-the-counter medications and ensures you don’t forget to take them.

Samsung announces drug monitoring functionality on its Samsung Health platform

Samsung believes drug tracking will help users stick to regular medication intake by setting reminders, which can be “gentle” and “strong,” depending on how important the medication on hand is and how time-sensitive it is .

The reminders are also designed for those who take various supplements for general well-being, so in this case, for example, a simple pop-up will suffice.

In addition to easier medication tracking and reminders, Samsung Health also provides some basic information on some popular medications. The app will show you a general description, possible side effects and unwanted interactions with other medications you may be taking. Additionally, the app will warn you to stay away from certain foods or drinks that may cause adverse reactions in combination with your current medication.

For now, the feature will be made available to US customers and will launch this week. However, there is no word on when other markets will receive the new feature.

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Philip Owell

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