Google acquired Fitbit in early 2021 and launched its first smartwatch the following year and its follow-up the year after that. Now both are available at a discount from Best Buy.

Google Pixel Watch 2 is equipped with a new chipset that improves battery life: having to charge it too often is always a sore point for smartwatches. It also adds skin temperature and skin conductance sensors.

The watch is available at a $50 discount. This brings the Wi-Fi version to $300, while the version with LTE connectivity costs $350.

Google Pixel Watch2

To be fair, the upgrades on the 2023 model aren’t that big, and the original Google Pixel Watch costs 33% less, down to $200 after an $80 discount. There are a few other differences, for example the original has a stainless steel frame, while the version 2 switched to aluminum (which made it a little lighter, but it’s 36g versus 31g, so you might not notice).

Google Pixel Watch

Google has committed to 3 years of major OS updates for the original Pixel Watch and five years of patches. It launched with Wear OS 3.5 and has already received Wear OS 4 and still has some time to go before it loses support.

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